*ReStore Hours
Tuesday – Friday

The ReStore Provides...

Donation Items Accepted
Donation Drop-Off Locations
- Refrigerators
- Stoves/Ovens
- Dishwashers
- Range hoods
- Microwaves
- Cabinets (must include cabinet doors)
- Countertops (complete sections, no partial)
- Light fixtures (include all parts, hanging brackets
- Toilets
- Vanity cabinet with sink
- Cabinets
- Bathroom accessories (new/ nearly new parts; cleaned & dried)
- Light fixtures (include all parts, hanging brackets)
- Shower/ tub inserts
- Chairs
- Tables
- Sofas
- Bedframes
- Bedroom furniture
- China cabinets
- Book shelves
- Washers & Dryers
- Water heaters
- Furnaces
- Small Appliances
- Room & Air Conditioners
- Flat Screen TVs
- Entertainment equipment
Household Items
- Picture frames
- Lamps
- Books
- Decorative dishes
- Wall decor
- Home decor
- Framed mirrors
- Seasonal decorations
Building Materials
- Paint (latex only, unopened full cans, never frozen)
- Painting supplies & accessories
- Hardware (sorted; hinges, cabinet pulls, nuts, bolts, etc.)
- Plumbing supplies
- General tools
- Foam Insulation (complete sheets)
- Cabinets (undamaged, wood or metal)
- Lumber (no nails or scraps, 4′ or longer)
- Wallpaper (full rolls only, undamaged rolls)
(Full Boxes Only, New/Nearly Boxes)
- Tile
- Laminate
- Hardwood
- Area Rugs
- Carpet (new/nearly, new carpet padding, used must be approved before acceptance)
- Landscaping blocks
- Landscaping trim
- Gardening tools
- Patio furniture
- Lawn decor
- Fire pits
- Mulch, soil & rock
- Grills & outdoor cooking appliances
- Play sets
- Decking – complete
- Outdoor power equipment
- Lawnmowers in good running condition
Doors & Windows
No Single Pane, Must Be In Very Good Condition
- Interior
- Exterior (entry doors)
- Storm/ screen
- Patio doors
- Bi-fold doors
- Garage doors (included tracks & all necessary hardware)
- Windows (no older than 10 years)
Lighting-Must Include All Parts & Hardware
- Ceiling fans
- Ceiling lights
- Outdoor lights
- Exercise Equipment (in good working condition)
- boats & Watercraft (in good working condition)
- Sporting Gear
- Vehicles (in good working condition)
- Antiques
- Estates
Items NOT accepted
Partial, rusty, or oil based cans of paint; broken electronics/appliances; console, tube or projection TVs; torn or stained furniture; fluorescent light fixtures & fluorescent light bulbs; unframed glass or mirrors; glass shower doors; window coverings (curtains, shades, blinds); exercise equipment 5 years or older; ladders; tires/automotive parts; chemicals/pesticides/cleaners; waterbeds or waterbed frames; office cubicles or partitions; computers; CRT computer monitors; printers; fax machines; dimensional lumber less than 4′ long; no partial boxes of flooring; no used tile or tile flooring of less than 1 box; broken or damaged doors (interior, exterior); sheet goods (drywall, plywood, etc.) less than 1/2 sheet; clothing; toys; baby items (pack ‘n play, car seats, cribs strollers, walkers, etc.); any material containing (or may contain) asbestos (very old shingles, tile, mastic or insulation).

Landfill of North Iowa
15942 Killdeer Ave
Clear Lake, IA 50428
(641) 357-5452
Habitat for Humanity NCI
517 1st Street NW
Mason City, IA 50401

This list is not all-inclusive. All donations are accepted or denied at the discretion of the Habitat staff and volunteers. Thank you for your understanding!